
We’re very pleased to have support from several organizations for translations of the Reporting Framework and its implementation guidance. As translations are published, they are made available for download on this page.

Translations are available for the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Spanish


Download: UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Chinese)

The Chinese translation of the UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance was completed in July 217. This translation was generously supported by Microsoft.

Downloads: UNGP Reporting Framework (Cadre de Reporting) | UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Cadre de Reporting avec guide de mise en oeuvre)

The French translation of the UNGP Reporting Framework was completed in April 2017. This translation was generously supported by entreprises pour les droits de l’homme – edh in France.

Download: UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Berichtsrahmen für die UN-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte mit Umsetzungshinweisen)

The German translation of the UNGP Reporting Framework was published in January 2018. This translation is also available for download on, a website operated by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which generously supported the production of this translation.

Download: UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Japanese)

The Japanese translation of the UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance was completed in June 2017. This translation was generously supported by Ajinomoto Co., Inc.E-Square Inc. and EY Japan (Climate Change & Sustainability Services).

Ajinomoto initially translated the Reporting Framework for its internal use, to support its management of human rights issues. The company then decided to make the translation publicly available. The company explains:

“We believe that this reporting framework is the ideal tool for understanding the Guiding Principles and facilitating the disclosure of human rights information. Using the framework as a guide, we are making further efforts while having external and internal dialogues on human rights.

Interest in corporate human rights initiatives – including those across supply chains – is growing in Japan. With the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games approaching, this activity must be accelerated. Accordingly, we are publishing a Japanese translation of this framework for businesses in Japan and hope that it will promote further understanding of human rights issues and aid corporate efforts to tackle them.”

Download: UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Ramy sprawozdawczości zgodnej z Wytycznymi ONZ dotyczącymi biznesu i praw człowieka z przewodnikiem wdrożeniowym)

The Polish translation was completed in 2015 in a process led by the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB). In 2015, Shift partnered with the PIHRB to deliver a day-long workshop in Warsaw for Polish companies on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Reporting Framework. In 2016, the translated edition of the Framework and its implementation guidance was published on the website of the Polish Ministry of Economic Development (direct download link above) and is referenced in guidance on reporting standards by the Ministry.
Also see: PIHRB’s blog about the importance of the translation

Download: UNGP Reporting Framework with implementation guidance (Marco para el Informe con Guía de Implementación)

The Spanish translation of the UNGP Reporting Framework was published in January 2018. This translation was generously supported by Newmont, an early adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework.