Companies The companies listed below are currently in the UNGP Reporting Database. To see the resources consulted for each company’s review, click the company’s name. To read about our review methodology, please visit our methodology page. To explore these companies’ disclosure, please visit our view disclosures page. The number of companies and the range of industries covered in the Reporting Database will continue to increase. The Reporting Database project team also updates companies’ disclosure in the Reporting Database as they publish new reporting. The last date on which a company’s entry was updated is noted on its individual company page. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 2018 × ABN AMRO Headquarters location: Netherlands This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: A Better Bank contributing to a Better World – Stakeholder dialogue by ABN AMRO on security, stability and privacy of financial transactions ABN AMRO and Human Rights About ABN AMRO Agri Round Table – 20 May 2016 – Amsterdam Annual Report 2017 Chemicals and Pharma Preliminary Policy Outline Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) ABN AMRO Complaints Contact us Engagement approach 2017 Equator Principles Policy 2017 Exclusion List Global Data Protection Policy Global Policy on Whistleblowing How to improve human rights by sharing knowledge Human rights integrated in corporate social responsibility Human Rights Report 2016 Human Rights Statement Human Rights Update 2017 – Introduction by Kees van Dijkhuizen Human Rights Update 2017 Integrated Annual Review 2017 Manufacturing Policy Metals & Mining Policy Shedding light on banking-related human rights issues Stakeholder contact table 2017 Stakeholder dialogue – Labour Rights and Labour Exploitation Stakeholder management 2017 Summary – Agri-Commodities Summary – Energy Policy Summary – Investment Products & Services Policy Summary – Workshop on salient human rights issues Sustainability facts & figures 2017 Sustainability Risk Guide Sustainability Risk Management Framework Sustainability Risk Policy for Lending Sustainability Risk Policy Sustainable improvements thanks to our stakeholder engagement Where does the bank stand in a sector of extremes? Where does the bank stand on non discrimination? Where, according to the police, does the bank stand? To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Agnico Eagle Mines 2017 × Agnico Eagle Mines Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Annual Report 2016 Sustainable Development Report Aboriginal Engagement Policy – Canada AEM Specific & Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – Performance Indicator Tables for 2016 Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Website, About Agnico – Governance webpage Board of Directors Mandate Indigenous People Engagement Policy Supplier Code of Conduct Sustainable Development Policy Factsheet Sustainable Development Policy World Gold Council – Conflict Gold Standards Certification Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2018 × Agnico Eagle Mines Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Aboriginal Engagement Policy – Canada AEM Specific & Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – Performance Indicator Tables for 2016 Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Website, About Agnico – Governance Board of Directors Mandate Indigenous peoples Engagement Policy Supplier Code of Conduct Sustainable Development Policy Sustainable Development Report 2017 World Gold Council – Conflict Gold Standards Certification Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Agricultural Bank of China 2016 × Agricultural Bank of China Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 27 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 Annual Report Board of Directors To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Air Liquide 2018 × Air Liquide Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code de conduite des fournisseurs d’Air Liquide Comité environnement et société Document de reference 2016 Information sur les rémunérations des dirigeants en application du Code AFEP-MEDEF Parties prenantes Principes d’action du Groupe Principes-clés des codes de conduite des salariés S’appuyer sur des fournisseurs responsables Sécurité To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Airbus 2018 × Airbus Headquarters location: Netherlands CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Airbus in the UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2017 Airbus in the UK Modern Slavery Statement Airbus’ Responsibility & Sustainability Charter Code de conduite des fournisseurs Ethics & compliance Fostering quality education and inclusion Operating responsibly Our approach for responsible business Standards of Business Conduct – Notre Code de conduite des affaires et nos principes d’intégrité Working at Airbus To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. ALFA 2017 × ALFA Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 17 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Ethics 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Our Employees To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Altria Group 2016 × Altria Group Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 78 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Framework Supply Chain Responsibility Child & Forced Labour California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2014 Corporate Responsibilty Report 2015 Corporate Responsibility Progress Report Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Ambev 2016 × Ambev Headquarters location: Brazil FT Global 500 Ranking: 88 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Ambev’s Code of Business Conduct Ambev 2014 Annual Report Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2015 × Ambev Headquarters location: Brazil FT Global 500 Ranking: 88 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Ambev’s Code of Business Conduct 2013 Annual Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. America Movil 2017 × America Movil Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 2 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report Sustainability Corporate Governance Policies and Code of Ethics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. American Express 2016 × American Express Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 105 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: My Company. My Code. Data Protection and Privacy Principles A Diverse Workforce. An Inclusive Workplace. Supplier Standards and Conduct Supporting the LGBT Community Employee Networks at American Express To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Anglo American 2019 × Anglo American Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 450 Source: FT500 2019 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2018 Annual Report Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Anglo American Fatal Risk Standards Group Business Integrity Policy Group Human Rights Policy Group Whistleblowing Policy HIV/AIDS Policy Integrated Annual Report 2018 Mine Closure Toolbox Our Code of Conduct Responsible Sourcing Standard for Suppliers Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Way SEAT Toolbox Overview Social Way Sustainability Report 2018 The Anglo American Safety Golden Rules To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Anheuser-Busch InBev 2015 × Anheuser-Busch InBev Headquarters location: Belgium FT Global 500 Ranking: 25 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Human Rights Policy 2014 Annual Report Corporate Governance Charter 2014 Global Citizenship Report Anheuser-Busch InBev Code of Business Conduct Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Responsible Sourcing Policy AB InBev Health and Safety Policy Health and Safety – Safety Organization, Safety Systems, Safety Performance Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2016 × Anheuser-Busch InBev Headquarters location: Belgium FT Global 500 Ranking: 25 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Human Rights Policy Social Responsibility – Human Rights Anheuser-Busch InBev 2015 Annual Report 2015 Global Citizenship Report Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Responsible Sourcing Policy Corporate Governance Charter Anheuser-Busch InBev Code of Business Conduct Anheuser-Busch InBev Global Responsible Sourcing Policy AB InBev Materiality Assessment and Report Development Social Responsibility – Health and Safety Health and Safety – Safety Systems Health and Safety – Safety Organization Health and Safety – Safety Performance Independent Assurance Report – To the readers of the AB Inbev 2015 Global Citizenship Report Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Apple 2016 × Apple Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 1 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Apple Supplier Responsibility 2016 Progress Report [Apple released a new Supplier Responsibility Progress Report in 2017. See it here.] Apple Supplier Code of Conduct [Apple updated its Supplier Code of Conduct in January 2017. See it here.] Supplier Responsibility Standard [Apple updated its Supplier Responsibility Standard in January 2017. See it here.] Supplier Responsibility Privacy Policy Privacy Our Approach to Privacy Manage Your Privacy Government Information Requests Report on Government Information Requests July 1 – December 31, 2015 Apple Press Info – Lisa Jackson Inclusion & Diversity (website) Inclusion & Diversity – What we’re doing today Apple Inc. Statement on Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery in Supply Chains Environmental Responsibility Report 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Astra Agro 2017 × Astra Agro Headquarters location: Indonesia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 6 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report Sustainability Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. ASUR 2017 × ASUR Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 22 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Sustainability Report 2016 Social Responsibility: Business Ethics Code of Ethics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. AT&T 2016 × AT&T Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 34 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: AT&T Annual Report Policies Human Rights in Communication Policy AT&T’s Code of Business Conduct AT&T Principles of Conduct for Suppliers Engaging our Supply Chain Value Chain Map Igniting Expanded Participation in Supply Chain Sustainability Labor Practices and Human Rights in our Supply Chain Human Rights and Labor Practices Good Corporate Governance Governance AT&T Materiality Assessment Stakeholder Engagement Principles Protecting Freedom of Expression Protecting Privacy AT&T Privacy Policy AT&T Privacy FAQ Equal Opportunity Policy AT&T Makes Global Commitment to LGBT Community Workforce Diversity Diversity & Inclusion 2014 Annual Report Environment Social AT&T Transparency Report Connect to Good – A Roadmap to 2025 Technology – Conflict Minerals 2025 Goals Global Reporting Initiative – G4 Content Index To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. AXA 2017 × AXA Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Analysis of the relevant Human rights for AXA 2017 AXA Group Policy on Controversial Weapons AXA Group Policy on Derivative Investments in Food (‘soft’) Commodities AXA Group Policy on Investments in Palm Oil Production, Agricultural Land, Timberland and Forestry AXA Group Policy on the Tobacco Industry AXA’s Data Privacy Declaration 2015 Capital humain 2016 Code de déontologie professionnelle du groupe AXA 2011 Document de référence 2016 Global Responsible Investment Policy 2013 Human Rights Policy 2017 Our approach to Business Ethics Our commitment to Human rights Rapport intégré 2016 Supply chain monitoring To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. B2Gold 2018 × B2Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Annual General and Special Meeting Corporate Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility: Raising the Bar Responsible Mining Report 2017 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of October 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2017 × B2Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Annual General and Special Meeting Corporate Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility: Raising the Bar Responsible Mining Report 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. This company alerted us of the release of new disclosure, which we reviewed. Baker Hughes 2017 × Baker Hughes Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 435 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Baker Hughes HSE Annual Report Baker Hughes Empowered by Diversity Report Building a ‘New Normal’ on the Bedrock of Risk Management Business Code of Conduct Business Code of Conduct Compliance Charter of the Audit-Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors Code of Conduct for Venders, Suppliers and Contractors Community Engagement Completely Compliant Conflict Minerals Corporate Social Responsibility Due Diligence Framework Employee Security Health, Safety, Environment and Security: Audit Program Health, Safety, Environment and Security: HSE Culture Human Rights and Security Human Trafficking Message from the CEO Our Commitment to Diversity Our Global Workforce People and Society Public Policy Dialogue Recognition and Awards Reporting Concerns Supplier Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Bakrie Sumatera 2017 × Bakrie Sumatera Headquarters location: Indonesia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 15 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Annual Report 2015 Sustainability Report Board of Directors Work Guidelines Employment Program Employment Program Policy Environment and Social Relations Committee Work Guidelines Environment Program Violations Reporting Work Safety Program Work Safety Program Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Bank of America 2016 × Bank of America Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 37 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Bank of America Human Rights Statement Code of Conduct Bank of America Vendor Code of Conduct 2015 Business Standards Report and Environmental, Social and Governance Addendum Diversity & inclusion Consumer Privacy Notice Online Privacy Notice Supplier diversity Developing Country Lending Policy Code of Conduct: our foundation for success Employee Network Report Bank of America partners with Ad Council to promote diversity & inclusivity Employees show commitment to workplace equality Diversity & inclusion Recruiting the right talent To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Bank of China 2016 × Bank of China Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 24 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Articles of Association of Bank of China Limited Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Bank of China Limited for 2015 Bank of China Limited 2015 Annual Report Bank of China Limited Information Disclosure Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Barrick Gold 2018 × Barrick Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy 2015 Annual Report to The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights 2017 Human Rights Report 2017 Information Circular A Framework of Remediation Initiatives in Response to Violence Against Women in the Porgera Valley Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Community Relations Policy Contractor Handbook Global Supplier Code of Ethics Standard Human Rights Compliance Program Human Rights Policy Human Rights Report Policy with respect to the Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Safety & Health Management System Safety and Health Policy Security Management System Supplier Code of Ethics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. BHP Billiton 2015 × BHP Billiton Headquarters location: Australia/UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 51 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Business Conduct Sustainability Report 2015 Indigenous communities Security and Emergency Management Indigenous Peoples Policy Statement Supply ‘Source to Contract’ Community Group-Level Document Multiple perspectives creating better outcomes – The Forum on Corporate Responsibility Forum on Corporate Responsibility To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. BNP Paribas 2018 × BNP Paribas Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Report on Activity and Corporate Responsibility 2016 Responsible Investor Report Agriculture Sector Policy Analyse de matérialité BNP Paribas and PUMA launch innovative financing program for suppliers to reward social and environmental standards BNP Paribas and the exercise of its CSR BNP Paribas Announces Creation of Company Engagement department and Appointment of Nathalie Hartmann as Head of Compliance BNP Paribas announces new measures regarding the financing of tobacco companies BNP Paribas réaffirme son engagement en faveur des Droits de l’Homme Charte Responsible des Données Personnelles Charte RSE des Fournisseurs Civic Responsibility Coal-fired Power Generation – Sector Policy Code de Conduite du Groupe BNP Paribas Déclaration relative aux droits de l’homme Defence and Security Sector Policy Document de référence et rapport financier annuel 2017 Governance and Voting Policy Human Rights: the latest actions conducted by BNP Paribas Liste d’exclusion de certains biens: Déclaration publique Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Notre responsabilité économique Notre responsabilité sociale Objectifs et Modalités du Dialogue entre BNP Paribas et ses Parties Prenantes Organisation et gouvernance Our Commitment to Responsible Investing Our responsible investment and ESG policy Politiques de financement et d’investissement Reporting on Equator Principles Implementation Responsible Investment Policy Sector Policy – Mining Sector Policy – Nuclear Power Sector Policy – Palm Oil Sector Policy – Wood Pulp Unconventional Oil and Gas – Sector Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Boustead 2017 × Boustead Headquarters location: Malaysia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 10 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 Corporate Responsibility Human Rights Policy RSPO Certificate Sustainability Policies Towards Sustainable Agriculture To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. BP 2016 × BP Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 58 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: BP Sustainability Report 2015 Business and Human Rights Policy Code of Conduct How we manage risk BP Annual Report on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights – January to December 2015 Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guideline – An extended summary BP Response to the Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel Driving safely in Oman Respecting workforce rights Guide to Land Acquisition and Compensation – Azerbaijan To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × BP Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 58 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Business and Human Rights Policy Code of Conduct BP Sustainability Report 2014 How we manage risk BP Annual Report on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights – January to December 2014 Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guideline – An extended summary BP Response to the Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. British American Tobacco 2016 × British American Tobacco Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 79 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: How we manage human rights BAT Standards of Business Conduct Standards of Business Conduct Stakeholder Dialogue Report 2013 Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2015 Sustainability Summary report 2015 BAT Supplier Code of Conduct Social performance: human rights (HR5) Social performance: human rights Social performance: Labour Child labour in tobacco growing Materiality Human Rights in the Supply Chain Teens of the Tobacco Fields – Child Labor in United States Tobacco Farming Integrated Environmental, Health and Safety Policy Manual Stakeholder engagement Principles for Engagement Recent stakeholder dialogue sessions Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production programme Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of July 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2017 × British American Tobacco Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 79 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 BAT Supplier Code of Conduct Harm Reduction Focus Report 2016 Human rights and child labour in tobacco growing Human rights and Modern Slavery Act Integrated Environmental, Health and Safety Policy Manual Materiality Modern Slavery Statement 2016 Policies, principles and standards Principles for Engagement Social performance: Human rights Social performance: Labour Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production programme Stakeholder Dialogue Report 2013 Stakeholder engagement Standards of Business Conduct Standards of Business Conduct 2017 Statement of Business Principles Sustainability Report 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Cameco 2017 × Cameco Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Annual Report 2017 Annual Report 2017 Management Proxy Circular 2017 Sustainable Development GRI Index Update Code of Conduct & Ethics Safety, health and environment committee of the board of directors mandate Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Policy (2015) Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Policy (2012) Sustainability To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company alerted us of the release of new disclosure, which we reviewed. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They confirmed they agreed with our review. CEMEX 2017 × CEMEX Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 7 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: CEMEX Policy Statement CEMEX Code of Ethics and Business Conduct 2016 Integrated Report 20-F Report 2016 Model: Overview Model: High-impact Social Strategy Sustainability Strategy CEMEX Health and Safety Policy CEMEX Public Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement Policy Empowering Communities: CEMEX’s Position Code of Conduct When Doing Business With Us: Supplier Sustainability To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Chevron 2015 × Chevron Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 23 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: About our Human Rights Policy Business Conduct and Ethics Code 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report Highlights Human Rights [Global Issues] Human Rights [Corporate Responsibility] Chevron Disclosure Statement – California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Diversity Chevron Earns Tenth Perfect Score for LGBT Equality To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2015 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. 2018 × Chevron Headquarters location: USA FT Global 500 Ranking: 28 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Source documents referenced in review of Chevron’s human rights reporting 2017 Annual Report 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report Highlights 2018 Proxy Statement Board of Directors, Governance and Ethics Building Local Capacity Business Conduct and Ethics Code Chevron and the UN SDGs: The Business of Progress Chevron Corporation Public Policy Committee Charter Chevron expectations for suppliers and contractors Chevron’s Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Broader Human Rights Commitments California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Corporate responsibility reporting Diversity and inclusion Getting Results the Right Way: Chevron’s Business Conduct and Ethics Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors Global Operations, One Approach Human Rights Policy 520 – About our Human Rights Policy The Chevron Way United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2017 Workforce health & safety To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. China Construction Bank 2016 × China Construction Bank Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 21 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: China Construction Bank releases its 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report China Construction Bank Annual Report 2015 Terms of Use and Privacy Statement Work report of independent directors of China Construction Bank for the year of 2013 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. China Mobile 2016 × China Mobile Headquarters location: Hong Kong FT Global 500 Ranking: 11 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Change, with you; 2014 Sustainability Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. China Shenhua Energy 2017 × China Shenhua Energy Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 147 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 CSR Report Employment Relationship Social Responsibility Production Safety To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Citigroup 2016 × Citigroup Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 40 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Statement on Human Rights 2015 Citi Global Citizenship Report Our Code of Conduct Citi Standards for Suppliers Sustainable Progress – Citi’s Five-Year Sustainability Strategy Environmental and Social Risk Management Environmental and Social Policy Framework Ethics and Culture Committee Charter Citi’s Compensation Philosophy Privacy for Consumers at Citi To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of June 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2019 × Citigroup Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 76 Source: FT500 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Citi Standards for Suppliers Citi Statement of Supplier Principles Citi’s Compensation Philosophy Conduct, Culture and Governance Environmental and Social Policy Framework Ethics and Culture Committee Charter Ethics Hotline Global Citizenship Report 2017 Human Rights Online Privacy Statement Our Code of Conduct Statement on Human Rights Sustainable Progress – Citi’s Five-Year Sustainability Strategy UK Modern Slavery Act Statement (FY 2017) To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Coca-Cola 2015 × Coca-Cola Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 32 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Human and Workplace Rights Supplier Guiding Principles Sustainable Agriculture Guiding Principles Coca-Cola’s Agricultural Supply Chain Journey 2014/2015 Sustainability Report Code of Business Conduct Human rights and a global corporation Respecting Human Rights: A Business Imperative – Why It Matters and What You Can Do Human Rights Policy Manager’s Guide Addressing Global Issues Responsible Investment in Myanmar 2015 Update Opinion: Setting the Record Straight on Coke, Racism and Civil Rights Public Issues and Diversity Review Committee Charter Coke’s Ed Potter Reflects on 33 Years at the ILO Conference Responsible Investment in Myanmar [2013 report] Human Rights Self-Assessment checklists Human and Workplace Rights Issue Guidance Supplier Guiding Principles Implementation Guide Reflections on Our Land Rights Journey Safety & Health Commitment to Land Rights and Sugar The Fight Against Human Trafficking Gets Personal Respecting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation Hours of Work Improvement Guide Engaging Stakeholders Joint Statement of The Coca-Cola Company and the International Union of Foodworkers Collaboration between The Coca-Cola Company and the American Federation of Teachers to Address Child Labor in the Sugar Cane Harvest Mitigating Water Risk for Communities and for Our System Review of Child and Forced Labor and Land Rights in Guatemala’s Sugar Industry Colombia Sugar Industry Situational Analysis Responsible Investment in Myanmar Second Report [2014 report] Leading through Change: Child Labor, Forced Labor and Land Rights Coke Among 379 Companies Petitioning Supreme Court to Support Marriage Equality Promoting Seat Belt Usage EthicsLine To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of December 2015 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Coca-Cola FEMSA 2017 × Coca-Cola FEMSA Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 27 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Ethics Coca-Cola FEMSA 2016 Annual Report Results: Mid-Year Report, January-June 2016 Accelerating Towards Excellence: Sustainability Report Coca-Cola FEMSA 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2016 × Commonwealth Bank of Australia Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 61 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Position Statement Supplier Code of Conduct Corporate Responsibility Report 2016 Annual Report 2016 Making transparent and balanced decisions Anti-bribery and corruption policy and program Sustainability reports Reconciliation Action Plan FY2017 – FY2019 Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan Diversity Policy Health and Safety Policy Privacy Policy Diversity Policy Case Studies Speaking Up Our approach to corporate responsibility Our corporate responsibility strategy Responsible Investing Framework Responsible lending and investing Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Lending Commitments Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2015-2016 How we protect you when banking online Statement of Professional Practice Corporate Governance Statement Influence for good Transparently Indigenous Careers Commitment to diversity Treating all people with respect and fairness Corporate responsibility Commonwealth Bank Group – Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2018 × Commonwealth Bank of Australia Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 61 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2017-2020 Addressing Financial Abuse Annual Report 2017 Commitment to diversity and inclusion Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2017 Diversity Policy ESG Lending Commitments Financial Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2017 Health and Safety Policy Human Rights Position Statement Our Commitments Reconciliation Action Plan FY2017-FY2019 Responsible Investing Framework Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2017 Speaking up Stakeholder Engagement Approach Supplier Code of Conduct Your customer advocate To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of [Month, year] inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. ConocoPhilips 2015 × ConocoPhilips Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 111 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Business Ethics & Conduct Human Rights Position ConocoPhillips Code of Business Ethics and Conduct: Expectations of Suppliers Aboriginal Communities Embedding Human Rights Into Business Processes Sustainable Development 2014 Report 2014 Annual Report Accountability and Governance – Performance and Compensation Recognition Economic Transparency and Reporting Position Health, Safety and Environment Policy 2015 Proxy Statement Public Policy Committee Charter Human Rights Due Diligence – Training and Awareness Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights ConocoPhillips Annual Report for 2014 Transparency and Collaboration Performance and Compensation Suppliers Expectations Key Stakeholders Supply Chain Sustainability Engaging Suppliers Stakeholder Engagement Principles Indigenous Communities Management Systems (Indigenous People) Stakeholder Engagement Action Plan Stakeholder Engagement Network Management Systems Alaska Indigenous People – Engagement and Consultation Project Development Governance and Management Systems Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Indigenous Peoples Update To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Danone 2017 × Danone Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Integrated Report Danone Ethics Line Danone Global Parental Policy Danone’s Code of Business Conduct Document de référence 2016 Droits de l’homme Women Empowerment To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Detour Gold 2018 × Detour Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Sustainability Report Annual Meeting of Detour Gold Corporation Management Information Circular Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Community Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Mandate Diversity & Inclusion Employees Engagement Equal Opportunity Governance Structure Health & Safety Policy Safety Waste Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Diageo 2015 × Diageo Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 129 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Global Policy Annual Report 2015 Our Code, Policies and Standards Sustainability & Responsibility Performance Addendum to the Annual Report 2015 Our Risk and Compliance Programme – Risk Management, Training and Communications, Annual Certificate of Compliance Management and Governance Partnering with Suppliers Sustainable Supply Chains Occupational Health and Safety Global Policy Code of Business Conduct Stakeholder Engagement Building Thriving Communities To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Enbridge 2017 × Enbridge Headquarters location: Canada FT Global 500 Ranking: 260 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Our Statement on Business Conduct Enbridge 2015 CSR Report Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Aboriginal and Native American Policy Environment, Health and Safety Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Engie 2017 × Engie Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Source documents referenced in review of Engie’s human rights reporting Acteurs de l’éthique Charte Éthique Clause éthique, responsabilité environnementale et sociétale Dispositif de signalement éthique Dispositifs de contrôle Éthique de la relation commerciale: Principes directeurs Formation à l’éthique et compliance Guide pratique de l’éthique Rapport intégré 2017 Référentiel Droits Humains – Engagements et Mise en Oeuvre Santé et securité Sécurité To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Ericsson 2016 × Headquarters location: Sweden FT Global 500 Ranking: 255 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Anti-Corruption for Suppliers Training Baseline Information Security and Privacy Requirements for Suppliers Case study: IHRB and Ericsson, ‘Digital Dangers’ Code of Business Ethics Code of Business Ethics (website) Compliance Line Frequently Asked Questions Conflict Minerals Training for Suppliers Corporate Governance Digital Dangers – Human Rights Challenges for Telecommunications Vendors (Case Study: Ericsson) Disclosure Management Approach 2016 Due Diligence in the Sales Process Ericsson Annual Report 2016 Ericsson Code of Conduct Ericsson’s General Conditions for Services Ericsson’s General Purchasing Conditions Ericsson Sustainability Policy Human Rights ICT and Human Rights ICT & SDGs Final Report Independent Assurance Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2016 Nationality, culture and ethnicity OHS Online Training Our Privacy Statement Privacy Reporting Compliance Concerns Responsible Business Responsible Sourcing Sexual Orientation Sourcing of Conflict Minerals Sourcing of Conflict Minerals Statement Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier Occupational Health and Safety requirements Sustainable Development Goals Technology for Good Blog Technology for Good: Ericsson Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report 2016 The Ericsson General Supplier Occupational Health and Safety Standards To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Headquarters location: Sweden FT Global 500 Ranking: 255 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Anti-Corruption for Suppliers Training Case study: IHRB and Ericsson, ‘Digital Dangers’ Code of Business Ethics Code of Business Ethics (website) Code of Conduct Company Management Compliance Line Frequently Asked Questions Conflict Minerals Report for the year ended December 31, 2015 Corporate Governance Digital Dangers – Human Rights Challenges for Telecommunications Vendors (Case Study: Ericsson) Disclosure Management Approach 2015 Ericsson Annual Report 2015 Ericsson’s General Conditions for Services Ericsson’s General Purchasing Conditions ICT & SDGs Final Report Internet privacy policy Nationality & Ethnicity OHS Online Training Our Approach Our Privacy Statement Reporting Compliance Concerns Responsible Sourcing Sexual Orientation Sourcing of Conflict Minerals Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier Occupational Health and Safety Requirements Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 Sustainable Development Goals Technology for Good Blog The Ericsson General Supplier Occupational Health and Safety Standards To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Essilor International 2018 × Essilor Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Document de référence 2016 Code Ethique Essilor Charte Fournisseur Essilor Déclaration Essilor: loi britannique contre l’esclavage moderne To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Exxon Mobil 2015 × Exxon Mobil Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 2 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. Pending further resources, we expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2014 Corporate Citizenship Report Socioeconomics – Human rights focus Supply chain human rights Addressing security concerns Indigenous peoples Equal Employment Opportunity Policy ExxonMobil statement on labor and the workplace Land use and resettlement Community relations Up Close: Grievance management mechanism in Indonesia To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of December 2015 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Facebook 2016 × Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 29 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Facebook Principles Community Standards Community Standards [Letter] Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Facebook Expands Human Rights Program Political Engagement Controversial, Harmful and Hateful Speech on Facebook How to Report Things Reporting Guide Don’t Have an Account? What Happens After You Click “Report” Data Policy About Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Issues Reporting Copyright Infringements To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Fast Retailing 2016 × Fast Retailing Headquarters location: Japan FT Global 500 Ranking: 259 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Compliance CSR Report 2016 CEO Commitment Fast Retailing Group Code of Conduct for Production Partners Fast Retailing’s Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Correction: The previous statement incorrectly noted that the company did not confirm receipt of our email of August 2016. They did confirm receipt of our email. 2015 × Fast Retailing Headquarters location: Japan FT Global 500 Ranking: 259 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Compliance FAST RETAILING CSR REPORT 2015 CEO Commitment FAST RETAILING Group Code of Conduct for Production Partners FAST RETAILING ANNUAL RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2015 AND RESUMPTION OF TRADING Fast Retailing’s Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They confirmed they agreed with our review. FEMSA 2017 × FEMSA Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 4 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Ethics Sustainability Report Coca-Cola FEMSA 2016 FEMSA Sustainability Report Sustainability Report January-June 2016 Materiality To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. First Quantum Minerals 2017 × First Quantum Minerals Headquarters location: Canada/UK/Australia This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report 2018 FQM Environmental and Safety Data Report Code of conduct Corporate Responsibility – Downloads Human Rights Policy Labour Notice and management information circular 2016 Social Policy Sustainability Report Sustainability Strategy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Ford Motor Company 2019 × Ford Motor Company Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 144 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Human Rights, Basic Working Conditions, and Corporate Responsibility Code of Conduct Handbook Conflict Minerals Disclosure Craiova Assembly Plant 2014 Pre-Site Visit Facility Survey Data Tables Sao Bernardo de Campo Vehicle Operations 2016 Pre-Site Visit Facility Survey Sustainability Report 2017/18 Sustainability Report Downloads UNGPs Reporting Framework Index 2017/18 Van Dyke Transmission Plant 2014 Pre-Site Visit Facility Survey Windsor Engine Plant and Essex Engine Plant 2015 Pre-Site Visit Facility Survey To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of April 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Franco-Nevada 2018 × Franco-Nevada Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Audit and Risk Committee Charter Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee Charter Diversity Policy Employee Complaint Procedures for Accounting and Auditing Matters Environmental & Social Responsibility – Corporate Responsibility Environmental & Social Responsibility – Health and Safety Environmental & Social Responsibility – Investment Principles Environmental & Social Responsibility – Our Impact Environmental & Social Responsibility – Our Process Environmental & Social Responsibility – Our Third-Party Operators Environmental & Social Responsibility Mandate of the Board of Directors Notice and Management Information Circular United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 40-F To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Genting Plantations 2017 × Genting Plantations Headquarters location: Malaysia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 8 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 Sustainability Report 2016 Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Glencore 2017 × Glencore Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 176 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 Compliance Code of Conduct Glencore Corporate Practice Human Rights Human Rights Policy Materiality Public Positions: Human Rights Sustainability Report 2015 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Goldcorp 2017 × Goldcorp Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report: Responsible Mining Above Ground Issue 11 Annual Information Form for the Financial Year Ended December 31, 2016 Code of Conduct Corporate Citizenship Diversity Policy Environmental and Sustainability Policy Goldcorp 2016 Sustainability Report Goldcorp 2016 Sustainability Report: Responsible Mining Goldcorp’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Human Rights – Marlin Human Rights Assessment of Goldcorp’s Marlin Mine Human Rights Policy Human Rights Policy Marlin Mine at Closure: A Review of Goldcorp Commitments to the 2010 Human Rights Assessment Occupational Health and Safety Policy 2016 Sustainability Report: Responsible Mining Above Ground Issue 11 Annual Information Form for the Financial Year Ended December 31, 2016 Code of Conduct Corporate Citizenship Diversity Policy Environmental and Sustainability Policy Goldcorp 2016 Sustainability Report Goldcorp 2016 Sustainability Report: Responsible Mining Goldcorp’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Human Rights – Marlin Human Rights Assessment of Goldcorp’s Marlin Mine To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Golden-Agri Resources 2017 × Golden-Agri Resources Headquarters location: Singapore FTSE Bursa Malaysia Asian Palm Oil Plantation Index (USD) Ranking: 5 Source: FTSE Bursa Malaysia (Feb. 2017) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct Code of Corporate Governance GAR Social and Environmental Policy Procedure for Social Conflict Handling Procedure for the Implementation of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Sustainability Report 2015 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Goldman Sachs 2016 × Goldman Sachs Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 100 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Goldman Sachs Statement on Human Rights Goldman Sachs Environmental Policy Framework 2016 Annual Meeting of Shareholders Proxy Statement GSAM Statement on Responsible and Sustainable Investing Goldman Sachs 2015 ESG Report 2015 ESG Report – How is Goldman Sachs addressing climate change? Highlights from the 2015 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Selected insights from the 2015 ESG Report Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Environmental and Social Risk Management Diversity and Inclusion – Our Commitment Diversity Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Diversity and Inclusion Career Development and Training Vendor Diversity and Inclusion Veterans Integration Program Privacy and Security Goldman Sachs Privacy Policy Public Responsibilities Committee Charter Goldman Sachs Statement on Policy Engagement and Political Participation Employee Affinity Networks Key metrics and indicators Raising Integrity Concerns Policy on Reporting of Concerns Regarding Accounting and Other Matters To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of October 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Google 2016 × Google Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 4 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Note: In July 2016, Google alerted the project team that they had published an updated Transparency Report including data on government requests for user data for July-December 2015. That information is not yet included in Google’s current data in this Database. If you would like to view that report, please click here. Sources reviewed: Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Google Privacy & Terms Audit Committee Self Regulatory Frameworks Corporate Governance Guidelines Google’s Conflict Minerals Policy Google Inc. Conflict Minerals Report For The Year Ended December 31, 2014 Privacy Policy How does Google keep my information safe? Google Product Privacy Guide Google Transparency Report – Requests to remove content Google Transparency Report – Requests to remove content – Due to copyright Google Transparency Report – European privacy requests for search removals Google Transparency Report – Requests for user information Google Transparency Report – Making the web safer To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2017 × Google Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 4 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Modern Slavery Statement 2016 Responsible Supply Chain Report Alphabet 2016 Conflict Minerals Report Alphabet’s Conflict Minerals Policy Building a Google that works for everyone Corporate Governance Guidelines Diversity – Commitments Diversity – Insights Google Code of Conduct Google Has a Strong Security Culture Google Privacy & Terms Google Product Privacy Guide Google’s Supplier Code of Conduct Privacy Policy Self Regulatory Frameworks Transparency Report – Requests for user information Transparency Report – Safe browsing: malware and phishing Transparency Report – Government requests to remove content To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Grupo Bimbo 2017 × Grupo Bimbo Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 9 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Integrated Annual Report 2016 Integrated Annual Report Summary Grupo Bimbo Code of Ethics Grupo Bimbo Supplier Code of Conduct Organization Chart Innovation to Sustainability Materiality Safety and Health Policy Dialogue channels with our stakeholders GRI G4 Content Index – Human Rights/Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Sembrando Juntos Our Social Responsibility Platform Grupo Bimbo Integrity Global Policies – Third Party Code of Conduct, To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Grupo Financiero Banorte 2017 × Grupo Financiero Banorte Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 5 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Annual Report Our Policies Code of Conduct Letter from the CEO Equator Principles Annual Report 2016 Dialogues with groups To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Grupo México 2017 × Grupo México Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 3 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Ethics 2015 Sustainable Development Report 2016 Annual Report Sustainable Development To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Halliburton 2017 × Halliburton Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 293 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Commitment Code of Business Conduct 2015 Sustainability Report 2016 Proxy Statement Corporate Governance Guidelines Health, Safety and Environment Health, Safety and Environment Committee Charter HSE Safety Moments To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Hennes & Mauritz 2016 × Hennes & Mauritz Headquarters location: Sweden FT Global 500 Ranking: 160 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: H&M 2015 Sustainability Report Human Rights Policy H&M CONSCIOUS ACTIONS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2015 Sustainability Commitment – H&M Business Partner Policies Overview The H&M Way Minutes of H&M AGM 2015 How we are organised Advisory Board for Wage in H&M supply chain Memberships & collaborations Corporate governance report 2015 Sustainability Commitment A clear stand against child labour Responsible Purchasing Practices Choose and reward responsible partners – our Conscious Actions Sustainability Commitment The textile industry and H&M H&M Policy on Child Labour H&M Position Paper – Human Right to Water and Sanitation Working conditions in production countries Ethical Behaviour Beyond monitoring Framework agreement with Union Network International New minimum wage in Cambodia Clean Water A fair partner to all our colleagues Engaging with our stakeholders Discrimination and Equality Policy Harassment Policy H&M signs unique agreement on industrial relations with IndustriAll Supplier Compliance Levels in Detail GRI Index To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Headquarters location: Sweden FT Global 500 Ranking: 160 Source: FT500 2015 This company is an early adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework. They published their first report using the Reporting Framework in April 2016. That report will soon be added to this database. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Our Policies H&M’s roadmap towards a fair living wage in the textile industry H&M Conscious Actions, Sustainability Report 2014 Code of Conduct H&M Code of Conduct H&M Position Paper, Human Right to Water and Sanitation Q&A Fair Living Wage Choose and reward responsible partners – our Conscious Actions Agreement between H&M and Union Network International on Cooperation in order to secure and promote fundamental worker’s rights at H&M’s workplaces worldwide Discrimination and Equality Policy Interview with Karl-Johan Persson, CEO Code of Ethics – Business Partner Commitment Be ethical – our Conscious Actions Beyond monitoring The H&M Way – living by our values and guidelines every day Our supply chain Governance – How we are Organised Minutes of H&M AGM 2014 Advisory Board for Wage in H&M supply chain Joint Forces for solutions H&M Corporate Governance Report H&M comments on the report on the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Independent monitoring and verification Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (556042-7220) held in Stockholm on 29 April 2014 H&M Anti-Corruption Responsible Purchasing Practices The Textile Industry and H&M A clear stand against child labour Strengthening Women Focus on management systems Fair Living Wage Clean Water Supplier Compliance Levels in Detail Our Local Projects A clear stand against child labour Home Working All for Children Working Conditions in Production Countries Fair Living Wage Strategy H&M’s Material Ethics policy Engaging with our stakeholders A fair partner to all our colleagues Education Why do we have our own auditors? New minimum wage in Cambodia H&M signs unique agreement on industrial relations with IndustriAll Risks and uncertainties Memberships and collaborations GRI Index Stakeholder Voices To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They confirmed they agreed with our review. HSBC 2016 × HSBC Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 35 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: HSBC Statement on Human Rights Supplier code of conduct Our Charter UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2015 Strategic Report 2015 Annual Report and Accounts 2015 Introduction to HSBC’s Sustainability Risk Policies Forestry and agricultural commodities Conduct and Values Committee – Terms of Reference Frequently asked questions Finance RI Transparency Report 2014/15 Board Diversity Policy Privacy policy Health and safety Equator Principles Mining and Metals Sector Policy Defence Equipment Sector Policy Energy Sector Policy Freshwater Infrastructure Sector Guideline Agricultural Commodities Policy Forestry Policy Chemicals Industry Policy World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Wetlands Policy Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) HSBC Progress Report 2015 Shareholder Communication Policy Case studies: Making mining more sustainable To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Hudbay Minerals 2017 × Hudbay Minerals Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: About Us Management Team Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Environmental Health and Safety Policy Ethics and Human Rights Hudbay 2016 Annual and CSR Report Human Rights Policy Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2018 × Hudbay Minerals Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: About Us – Management Team Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Environmental Health and Safety Policy Ethics and Human Rights Hudbay 2017 Annual and CSR Report Human Rights Policy Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Imperial Tobacco 2016 × Imperial Tobacco Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 246 Source: FT500 2015 Imperial Tobacco is a company of Imperial Brands. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human rights Code of Conduct Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement GRI Sustainability Report 2015 Annual Report and Accounts 2015 Reinvesting in Society Reinvesting in Society: Suppliers Standards Leadership and Governance Rewarding Workplace Approach and Performance Responding to our Stakeholders Imperial Tobacco Stakeholder Panel 2015 2016 Objectives for Responsibility 2015 Objectives for Responsibility Progress Corporate Responsibility Case Studies To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Inditex 2016 × Inditex Headquarters location: Spain FT Global 500 Ranking: 76 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices Inditex Annual Report 2015 Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers Our business principles Our compliance programme CSR audits and corrective plans Stakeholder engagement Clusters Vidya Project Case studies US$2 million in aid for Rana Plaza To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of October 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Inditex Headquarters location: Spain FT Global 500 Ranking: 76 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers Our business principles Inditex Annual Report 2014 Case Studies Our compliance programme CSR audits and corrective plans Clusters Stakeholder engagement To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2017 × Inditex Headquarters location: Spain FT Global 500 Ranking: 76 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Annual Report on Remuneration of Directors Climate change and energy Closing the loop Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers Continuous Improvement Environmental Sustainability Policy Fire and building safety in Bangladesh Fundamental Rights at Work Global Energy Strategy Global Water Management Strategy Health and Safety Policy Inditex and IndustriALL celebrate the tenth anniversary of their Global Framework Agreement Inditex and IndustriALL strengthen their commitment to raise standards in the global garment supply chain Inditex Annual Report 2016 Inditex Group Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement FY2016 Joint Turkey Programme Living wages Migrant workers in Brazil Our protection of human rights Our suppliers Policy on Human Rights Shared challenges Sumangali scheme in India Syrian refugees in Turkey Vidya project Wage negotiations in Cambodia Water To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 2016 × Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 9 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: ICBC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 Annual Report 2015 Articles of Association of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. ING 2018 × ING Headquarters location: Netherlands This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Balancing human rights in our operations Diversity and inclusion Environmental and social risk management Human rights and the workplace statement Human Rights Report 2018 ING Environmental and Social Risk Framework ING Group Annual Report 2017 ING Procurement Sustainability Standards ING’s approach to the Modern Slavery Act Six steps since signing the Dutch Banking Agreement on Human Rights Statement on Human Rights To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. IOI Group 2017 × IOI Group Headquarters location: Malaysia FTSE Bursa Malaysia Asian Palm Oil Plantation Index (USD) Ranking: 3 Source: FTSE Bursa Malaysia (Feb. 2017) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Agrochemical Management Policy Annual Report 2016 First Quarterly Sustainability Progress Update Grievance List Grievance Procedure IOI Group Code of Business Conduct & Ethics IOI Group Sustainable Palm Oil Policy Sustainability Implementation Plan (SIP) To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. ITC 2016 × ITC Headquarters location: India FT Global 500 Ranking: 251 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Report and Accounts 2016 Policy on Human Rights Consideration of Stakeholders Beyond the Workplace Code of Conduct for Vendors and Service Providers Code of Conduct Sustainability Report 2016 – Supply Chain Sustainability Report 2016 – Governance Structure Sustainability Report 2016 – Chairman’s Statement Sustainability Report 2016 – Labour Practices & Decent Work and Human Rights Sustainability Report 2016 – Product Responsibility Sustainability Report 2016 – Occupational Health and Safety Sustainability Report 2016 -Stakeholder Engagement, Risks & Opportunities & Materiality Analysis Sustainability Report 2016 – Social Investments Programme Policy on Product Responsibility Policy on Environment, Health and Safety Safety Policy on Prohibition of Child Labour and Prevention of Forced Labour at the Workplace Policy on Diversity and Equal Opportunity Policy on Freedom of Association Policy on Responsible Sourcing Policy on Responsible Advocacy Women’s Empowerment Health and Sanitation To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Japan Tobacco 2016 × Headquarters location: Japan FT Global 500 Ranking: 140 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report FY2015 JT Group Sustainability Report FY2015 Code of Conduct 2014 Agricultural Labour Practices 2014 Working to end child labor How we address child labor in our leaf value chain Code of Conduct JTI’s Supplier Standards To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They confirmed they agreed with our review. John Lewis Partnership 2019 × John Lewis Partnership Headquarters location: UK This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report and Accounts 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19 Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 John Lewis Partnership Responsible Sourcing Code of Practice Labour Standards John Lewis Partnership Statement on Human Rights Modern Slavery Statement 2018/19 Privacy Policy Terms of Reference for the Corporate Responsibility Committee of the Partnership Board The Constitution of the John Lewis Partnership To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. JPMorgan Chase 2016 × JPMorgan Chase Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 17 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Statement Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct How We Do Business – The Report Environmental and Social Policy Framework 2016 Proxy Statement 2015 Equator Principles Report 2015 Environmental Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2015 Privacy Policy Diversity & Inclusion Why Diversity Matters People and Culture – Frequently Asked Questions Policy Engagement and Political Participation Creating Accessibility for Everyone Women on the Move To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Kering 2018 × Kering Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Document de référence 2016 Kering Sustainability Principles Code d’Ethique Kering Methodologie du reporting social de Kering 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Kimberly-Clark of México 2017 × Kimberly-Clark de México Headquarters location: Mexico Sustainability Index Ranking: 29 Source: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Sustainability Index This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Supplier Social Compliance Standards 2016 Sustainability Report Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Kinder Morgan 2017 × Kinder Morgan Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 89 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Charter of the Environmental, Health and Safety Committee Safety Compliance Contractor Environmental/Safety Manual EHS Policy Harassment and discrimination prevention policy statement Aboriginal Policy Request or Report Information Kinder Morgan Canada’s President partners with Tsawwassen First Nation Chief for leadership exchange Pipeline Safety Integrity Dig Program Contractor Safety Brochure Operational Excellence 2015 EHS Performance Ethics Hotline Corporate Governance To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Kirkland Lake Gold 2018 × Kirkland Lake Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Information Form Annual Report 2016 Code of Conduct and Ethics Cosmo Howley Project Area Exploration Mining Management Plan and Public Report 2018-2019 Environmental Policy Fosterville Gold Mine Earth Resources Regulation Public Report Fosterville Gold Mine Pty Ltd Exploration License Applications Health and Safety Health, Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors Report on the Mineral Resources & Mineral Reserves of the Fosterville Gold Mine Social Responsibility Whistleblower Policy Workplace Gender Equality Agency Public Report Workplace Violence, Harassment and Discrimination Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Kraft Heinz Company 2015 × Kraft Heinz Company Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 187 Source: FT500 2015 In the FT500 2015, this company is listed as Kraft Foods Group. The company is now Kraft Heinz Company following a merger. We reviewed this company’s disclosure following the merger. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Kraft Statement on Human Rights Kraft Corporate Responsibility Guidelines Corporate Responsibility Expectations for Direct Suppliers Compliance and Integrity Program Supply Chain Transparency and Labor Practices Compliance & Integrity The Kraft Heinz Company Employee Code of Conduct The Kraft Foods Group Code of Conduct Corporate Governance Guidelines Kraft Integrity Helpline Numbers To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2018 × Kraft Heinz Headquarters location: US Index used or FT Global 500 Ranking: 315 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Ethics & compliance Kraft Heinz Ethics & Compliance Hotline Kraft Heinz Strengthens Corporate Social Responsibility Commitments in Support of Vision to ‘Grow a Better World’ Policy on Palm Oil Usage and Procurement Supplier Guiding Principles Supply Chain Transparency and Labor Practices (Modern Slavery Statement) Sustainable Business Practices The Kraft Heinz Company Employee Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of June 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Kuala Lumpur Kepong 2017 × Kuala Lumpur Kepong Headquarters location: Malaysia FTSE Bursa Malaysia Asian Palm Oil Plantation Index (USD) Ranking: 4 Source: FTSE Bursa Malaysia (Feb. 2017) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Action Plan Arising from Labour Audit by Verite on KLK’s Operating Centres in East Kalimantan Annual Report 2016 Development of Our Employees Engagement with Our Stakeholders Grievance Procedure Implementation Progress Report KLK Sustainability Policy Sustainability Sustainability Governance Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. L'Oréal 2017 × L’Oréal Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Charte Ethique Diversité et l’inclusion Document de référence 2016 Human Rights 2013 L’Oréal shares its human rights policy commitment Politiques Droits de l’Homme 2017 Rapport d’avancement 2016 LOreal_Rapport_d_Avancement_2016.pdf Sustainable Mica Sourcing Travail des enfants chez nos fournisseurs/sous-traitants United Nations Global Compact Communication On Progress 2016 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Lloyds Banking Group 2016 × Lloyds Banking Group Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 99 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Group Human Rights Policy Code of Business Responsibility Code of Supplier Responsibility Boardroom to branch governance structure Responsible Business update 2015 – Stakeholders Responsible Business update 2015 – Colleagues Lloyds Banking Group Annual Review 2015 Managing Risk Supplier Qualification System Lloyds Banking Group Materiality Report 2015 Materiality Speak Up (Whistleblowing) Policy Third Party Supplier Policy Summary Group Data Privacy Policy – Summary for Third Party Suppliers Privacy Group Information & Cyber Security Policy – Third Party Supplier Summary Group Records Management Policy – Summary for Third Party Suppliers Health, Safety and Fire Policy – Summary for Third Party Suppliers Group Physical & People Security Policy – Summary for Third Party Suppliers Sector Statement Third Party Policies Stakeholder engagement activity Independent Stakeholder Advisory Panel Responsible Business Committee Helping Britain Prosper Plan – 2015/2016 update Operational Risk Policy Data Sheet (2015) Equator Principles: transactions screened by Lloyds Banking Group Gender Ethnicity LGBT Disability Code of Personal Responsibility To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. London Sumatra 2017 × London Sumatra Headquarters location: Indonesia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 9 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Annual Report Continuous Improvement in Sustainability Practices: Responding to RSPO’s Auditor 2016 IndoAgri Sustainable Palm Oil Policy 2017 Policies To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Lundin Mining 2017 × Lundin Mining Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report 2017 Management Information Circular Code of Conduct, Ethical Values and Anti-Corruption Policy Communication on Progress – United Nations Global Compact – January 1 – December 31, 2016 Diversity Policy Health and Safety Mandate of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee Responsible Mining Framework Social Responsibility 2016 Sustainability Report 2017 Management Information Circular Code of Conduct, Ethical Values and Anti-Corruption Policy Communication on Progress – United Nations Global Compact – January 1 – December 31, 2016 Diversity Policy Health and Safety Mandate of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee Responsible Mining Framework Social Responsibility 2016 Sustainability Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2018 × Lundin Mining Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Sustainability Report Code of Conduct, Ethical Values and Anti-Corruption Policy Communication on Progress – United Nations Global Compact – January 1-December 31, 2017 Diversity Policy Health and Safety Mandate of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee Responsible Mining Framework Social Responsibility To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. LVMH 2015 × LVMH Headquarters location: France FT Global 500 Ranking: 91 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: LVMH Code of Conduct LVMH TRANSLATION OF THE FRENCH DOCUMENT DE RÉFÉRENCE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 LVMH Social Responsibility Report 2014 LVMH Supplier’s Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2018 × LVMH Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code de ConduiteLVMH Code de Conduite Fournisseurs Politique Ethique & Conformité deLVMH Charte sur les conditions de travail des mannequins et leur bien-être Rapport Responsabilité sociale 2016 Document de référence 2016 Signature des Women’s Empowerment Principles Les tests de discrimination à l’embauche To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Marks & Spencer 2019 × Marks & Spencer Headquarters location: UK Forbes Global 2000 2018 : #1845 Source: Forbes Global 2000 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2018 Code of Ethics Company statement on health & safety at work Forced Labour Toolkit for International Suppliers and Partners Global Sourcing Principles How We Define Plan A Product Attributes Human Rights Policy Human Rights Report 2017 Human Rights M&S Child Labour Procedure M&S Commitment on Protecting Forests through Fabric Choices M&S Grievance Procedure for Clothing, Home and Food Supply Chains Effective Remedy of Human Rights Issues M&S People Principles Modern Slavery Statement 2017/18 People Plan A 2025 Commitments Plan A Report 2018 Responding to Stakeholder Concerns on Human Rights Responsible Sourcing Supplier Management – Clothing & Home The M&S Policy for Cotton Sourcing To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. MasterCard 2016 × MasterCard Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 80 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: MasterCard Supplier Code of Conduct MasterCard Code of Conduct Charter – Audit Committee Policies and Reports MasterCard Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion Mastercard Annual Report 2015 2016 Proxy Statement Mastercard – Global Privacy Notice Corporate Governance Guidelines Creating a valuable connection through supplier diversity Whistleblower Procedures To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Microsoft 2016 × Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 5 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Microsoft 2015 Citizenship Report Microsoft Global Human Rights Statement Human Rights Standards of Business Conduct Microsoft Supplier Code of Conduct Microsoft’s Compliance Program Responsible Supply Chain Responsible Sourcing Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials Policy Microsoft Conflict Minerals Report 2015 Integrity & Governance Technology and Human Rights Center Training Microsoft Addressing Human Trafficking September 2013 Microsoft Privacy Statement Privacy at Microsoft Content Removal Requests Report Law Enforcement Requests Report 2015 July-December 2015 U.S. National Security Orders Report U.S. National Security Orders Report July 2011-December 2015 Microsoft updates and expands latest biannual reports on our Transparency Hub The Business of Inclusion Global Diversity and Inclusion Microsoft Accessibility Inside Microsoft Business Conduct Hotline To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company met with us regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2018 × Microsoft Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 5 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Conflict Minerals Report 2016 Content Removal Requests Report Empowering our employees Global Diversity and Inclusion Inside Microsoft Microsoft 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Microsoft Global Human Rights Statement -Operational principles Microsoft Global Human Rights Statement Microsoft Privacy Statement Microsoft Salient Human Rights Issues Report – FY17 Microsoft Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement FY17 Microsoft Stakeholder Engagement in the Governance of Corporate Social Responsibility Microsoft Supplier Code of Conduct Microsoft Top 100 Production Suppliers Microsoft updates and expands latest biannual reports on our Transparency Hub To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 2016 × Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Headquarters location: Japan FT Global 500 Ranking: 93 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Efforts to Promote Diversity and Improve Competitiveness Principles of Ethics and Conduct Relations with Business Partners Corporate Governance of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016 Adoption and adherence to the Equator Principles Implementation Guidelines for the Equator Principles Message from the CEO Participation in Initiatives MUFG’s CSR Compliance Governance & Ethics CSR Materiality Policies in Response to Social Issues Personal Information Protection Policy Efforts to our Stakeholders MUFG Human Resources Principles Diversity Report 2015 Efforts to Create an Ethical Workplace Promotion and Dissemination of ESG Investment Various Efforts for Our Customers To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Mmc Norilsk Nickel 2017 × Mmc Norilsk Nickel Headquarters location: Russia FT Global 500 Ranking: 421 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2015 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Members of the Board of Directors of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel Code of Business Ethics of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel Corporate Social Responsibility Report [2015] Occupational Health and Safety Relations with Business Partners Social Mission and CSR Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Sustainability Governance and Management To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of June 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Mondelēz International 2015 × Mondelēz International Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 161 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Compliance and Integrity: Human rights, Code of Conduct, Corporate responsibility expectations for direct suppliers, Compliance and integrity program, Supply chain transparency and labor practices, Corporate responsibility expectations (supplier contract provisions) The Call for Well-Being: Mondelēz International Progress Report 2014 The Mondelēz International Code of Conduct Mondelēz International Palm Oil Action Plan Cocoa Life Guidance Document for Publication Cocoa Life: Child Labor interventions, July 2015 Update To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Monsanto 2016 × Monsanto Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 179 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Human Rights 2015 Proxy Statement Sustainability Report 2015 Supplier Code of Conduct Child Labor in India Human Rights Metrics Code of Business Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Monsanto Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 179 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Human Rights 2014 Proxy Statement Sustainability Report 2014 Supplier Code of Conduct Child Labor in India Human Rights Metrics Code of Business Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Morgan Stanley 2016 × Morgan Stanley Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 120 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2014 Sustainability Report 2016 Code of Conduct Culture, Values and Conduct Diversity and inclusion Institute for Sustainable Investing Integrity Hotline Morgan Stanley Coal Policy Statement Morgan Stanley Environmental Policy Statement Statement on Human Rights The Forum for Women, Multicultural and LGBT Financial Advisors To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2017 × Morgan Stanley Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 120 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Sustainability Report 2016 Code of Conduct Culture, Values and Conduct Diversity and inclusion Institute for Sustainable Investing Integrity Hotline Morgan Stanley Coal Policy Statement Morgan Stanley Environmental Policy Statement Statement on Human Rights The Forum for Women, Multicultural and LGBT Financial Advisors To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. National Australia Bank 2017 × National Australia Bank Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 116 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Equator Principles Report Corporate Governance Customer Small Loans Dig Deeper 2016 – Corporate Responsibility Report ESG Risk Management Feedback Financial Inclusion Action Plan 2017 Group Corporate Responsibility Policy Group Diversity and Inclusion Policy How NAB is supporting Indigenous Australians Human Rights Approach Modern Slavery Statement NAB Group’s Supplier Sustainability Principles NAB’s Improper Land Acquisition Policy Statement National Australia Bank Code of Conduct National Australia Bank Limited Group Human Rights Policy Reconciliation Action Plan 2015-2017 Stakeholder Engagement Supply Chain Management To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Naturgy Energy Group 2019 × Naturgy Energy Group Headquarters location: Spain This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report Code of Ethics Code of Ethics for Suppliers The Natural Gas Fenosa Human Rights Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. NEC Corporation 2018 × NEC Headquarters location: Japan Forbes Global 2000 2018: #1010 Source: Forbes Global 2000 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct Integrated Annual Report 2018 NEC Group Conflict Minerals Guidelines NEC Group Supply-Chain CSR Guidelines 2017 Sustainability Report 2018 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Nestlé 2016 × Headquarters location: Switzerland FT Global 500 Ranking: 14 Source: FT500 2015 This company is an early adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework. This company has multiple years of reporting in the Reporting Database. This page refers to project team’s 2016 review. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Talking the Human Rights Walk The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles Nestlé in society – Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2015 Human rights The Nestlé Supplier Code The Nestlé Commitment on Child Labour in Agricultural Supply Chains Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Guidelines Nestlé Commitment on Land & Land Rights in Agricultural Supply Chains Land rights Labour relations Nestlé highlights the importance of respecting land rights The Nestlé Policy on transparent interaction with authorities and organisations To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Headquarters location: Switzerland FT Global 500 Ranking: 14 Source: FT500 2015 This company is an early adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework. This company has multiple years of reporting in the Reporting Database. This page refers to project team’s 2015 review. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Talking the Human Rights Walk The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles Nestlé in society – Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2014- Full report Human rights Child labour The Nestlé Supplier Code The Nestlé Commitment on Child Labour in Agricultural Supply Chains Nestlé Commitment on Land & Land Rights in Agricultural Supply Chains Nestlé highlights the importance of respecting land rights Creating Shared Value [Our people, human rights and compliance – Assess and address human rights impacts in our operations and supply chain] Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Guideline The Nestlé Policy on Safety and Health at Work Land rights To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. The company did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. 2017 × Nestlé Headquarters location: Switzerland FT Global 500 Ranking: 14 Source: FT500 2015 This company is an early adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework. This company has multiple years of reporting in the Reporting Database. This page refers to project team’s 2017 review. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Grievance mechanisms Nestlé Commitment on Land & Land Rights in Agricultural Supply Chains Nestlé in society Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2016 Nestlé Policy on Safety and Health at Work Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Guideline Privacy notice Respecting human rights Tackling Child Labour 2017 Report Tackling child labour in our cocoa supply chain Talking the Human Rights Walk Tell us if you have concerns The Nestlé Commitment on Child Labour in Agricultural Supply Chains The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles The Nestlé Supplier Code To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. New Gold 2018 × New Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, About New Gold 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, About This Report 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Building our Shared Future, About New Gold 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Contributing to Sustainable Community Development 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Engaging with Our Communities of Interest 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Health and Safety 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Message from the President and CEO 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Our Communities 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Our People 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report, Working with Aboriginal Communities 2016 Corporate Responsibility, Contributing to Sustainable Community Development Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Conflict Free Gold Report for New Gold Inc. Conflict-Free Gold Standard Health & Safety Health, Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Charter Human Rights Policy Our Communities Our People Sustainability and Environment Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They confirmed they agreed with our review. Newmont 2018 × Newmont Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking : 385 Source: FT500 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Annual Report to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights 2017 Conflict-Free Gold Report Newmont Mining Corporation 2017 Sustainability Report – Beyond the Mine Chaupe Land Dispute Information Update: April 24, 2018 Exploration ESR Guidebook Guide to Respecting Human Rights Health & Safety Policy Human Rights – 2017 Performance Human Rights – Approach Human Rights – Future Focus Human Rights Standard Land Acquisition & Involuntary Resettlement Standard Modern Slavery Statement Newmont Sustainability and External Relations Standard – Indigenous Peoples Our Code of Conduct People Policy Social Baseline & Impact Assessment Management Standard Supplier Code of Conduct Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. NEXT 2019 × NEXT Headquarters location: UK Forbes Global 2000 2018 : #1435 Source: Forbes Global 2000 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Audit Committee Terms of Reference Code of Practice Auditing Standards Code of Practice Principle Standards Corporate Responsibility Report to January 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report 2018 Focus Updates Gender Pay Report 2017 Human Rights and Modern Slavery Policy Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2018 Safer Together – Health & Safety Policy Statement 2018 Welcome to our 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report Whistleblowing Policy for third parties contracting with NEXT To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of April 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Nike 2015 × Nike Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 130 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: INSIDE THE LINES THE NIKE CODE OF ETHICS Corporate Governance – Code of Ethics, Corporate Governance Guidelines Nike, Inc. FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary Nike, Inc. Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2017 × Nike Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 130 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Corporate Governance – Code of Ethics Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Guidelines INSIDE THE LINES THE NIKE CODE OF ETHICS Nike Code Leadership Standard Nike Code of Conduct 2017 Nike, Inc. FY14/15 Sustainable Business Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Norsk Hydro ASA 2018 × Norsk Hydro Headquarters location: Norway Forbes Global 2000 2018: #733 Source: Forbes Global 2000 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2017 Code of Conduct Corporate Social Responsibility in the supply chain Financial statements and Board of Directors’ Report 2017 General Conditions for Purchases of Goods and Services Hydro Code of Conduct Hydro’s Human Rights Policy Hydro’s Social Responsibility Partnerships, Amnesty International Norge Policies and tools Supplier Code of Conduct The Hydro Integrity Program Handbook on Corruption and Human Rights To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Oracle 2016 × Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 28 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Oracle Corporate Citizenship Report 2014 Oracle’s Statement on Human Trafficking Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Oracle Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Oracle Diversity and Inclusion Oracle Privacy Policy Oracle Marketing Cloud & Oracle Data Cloud Privacy Policy Oracle Integrity Helpline- FAQ Oracle Integrity Helpline To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Orange 2017 × Orange Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Accord mondial sur les droits sociaux fondamentaux au sein du groupe France Télécom Bilan social 2016 Charte de déontologie du groupe Code de conduite fournisseur Déclaration d’ORANGE relative à la loi anglaise sur l’esclavage moderne 2016 Dialogue Parties Prenantes Diversité et Egalité Professionnelle Handicap Les engagements d’Orange pour la protection des données personnelles et le respect de la vie privée Orange for Child protection online Promouvoir notre politique d’achat responsable Rapport annuel intégré 2016 Rapport de transparence d’ORANGE en matière de liberté d’expression et de respect de la vie privée Respect des droits humains Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise Bilan 2016 Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise Feuille de route 2017-2020 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. PepsiCo 2015 × PepsiCo Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 45 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: PepsiCo Human Rights Workplace Policy Performance with Purpose 2014 GRI Report Global Code of Conduct PepsiCo Human Rights Code of Conduct Environmental Sustainability Policies [Policies] Talent Sustainability Policies [Policies] Human Rights – Governance and Ethics [Human Rights] UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2015 Diversity and Inclusion PepsiCo Land Policy Human Rights – Global Code of Conduct [Human Rights] Human Rights – Global Code of Conduct Training [Human Rights] Responsible & Sustainable Sourcing Global Supplier Code of Conduct Summary Report of the Social, Environmental and Human Rights aspects of PepsiCo’s Sugarcane Supply Chain in Brazil, based on Third Party Audits Responsible & Sustainable Sourcing – Supplier Standards [Responsible & Sustainable Sourcing] Partnerships Diversity and Inclusion – Women Leaders [Diversity and Inclusion] Health and Safety – Occupational Health and Safety [Health and Safety] PepsiCo Global Supplier Code of Conduct Environment, Health and Safety Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2017 × PepsiCo, Inc. Headquarters location: US Index used or FT Global 500 Ranking: 44 Source: FT500 2017 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 PepsiCo Annual Report, CDP Water 2017 Information Request Commitments on Palm Oil, Cane Sugar and Coconut Water Diversity & Engagement Environmental, Health & Safety Ethics & Integrity Global Code of Conduct Global Human Rights Policy Global Human Rights Statement Human Rights Land Rights Land tenure and other human rights issues in the oil palm and sugarcane sectors in Mexico Palm Oil Action Plan Progress Report 2016 Palm Oil PepsiCo Global Sustainable Agriculture Policy PepsiCo Guidelines in Support of the Human Right to Water PepsiCo Land Policy PepsiCo Palm Oil Specific Commitments PepsiCo response to independent report Land tenure and other human rights issues in the oil palm and sugarcane sectors in Mexico PepsiCo SpeakUp Usage PepsiCo Sustainability Report 2016 Public Policy and Sustainability Committee Charter Stakeholder Engagement Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Summary Report of the Social, Environmental and Human Rights aspects of PepsiCo’s Sugarcane Supply Chain in Brazil, based on Third Party Audits Sustainability Governance Sustainable Sourcing Water To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of December 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company met with us regarding the initiative. Pernod Ricard 2018 × Pernod Ricard Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Document de référence 2016/2017 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Petro China 2015 × Petro China Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 6 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2015. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2014 Sustainability Report To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2015 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2016 × Petro China Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 6 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Sustainability Report Integrity and Compliance Guidelines To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Philip Morris International 2016 × Philip Morris International Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 60 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Guidebook for Success – The PMI Code of Conduct Agricultural Labour Practices Code Global Compact Communication on Progress 2015 Agricultural Labour Practices (ALP) program 2014 – 2015 Progress Report Agricultural Labor Practices (ALP) Program Progress Report – September 2012 Agricultural Labour Practices Strategic Cooperation with Verité Eliminating Child Labor Child Labor 2011 Annual Shareholders Meeting, Script Previous Correspondence with HRW External Monitoring To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of July 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Reynolds American 2016 × Reynolds American Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 306 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in July 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Statement on our efforts to support Human Rights Policy for the Oversight of Efforts to Support Human Rights RAI Supplier’s Guide Supplier Guide Sustainability Report 2015 Farmer Training Ethics and Compliance Resources Whistleblower policy Grower code of conduct Tobacco Harm Reduction Youth Tobacco Prevention Stakeholder engagement and materiality To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Rio Tinto 2016 × Rio Tinto Headquarters location: Australia/UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 110 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy The way we work Why human rights matter: a resource guide for integrating human rights into Communities and Social Performance work at Rio Tinto Why cultural heritage matters: A resource guide for integrating cultural heritage management into Communities work at Rio Tinto Why gender matters: A resource guide for integrating gender considerations into Communities work at Rio Tinto Why agreements matter: A resource guide for integrating agreements into Communities and Social Performance work at Rio Tinto Procurement principles Rio Tinto Supplier code of conduct Rio Tinto Sustainable development 2015 – Working for mutual benefit 2015 Annual report Diversity and inclusion policy Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference Mines to Markets – A proud legacy Mines to Markets – It’s about people Mines to Markets – Connection to Country drives quality land rehabilitation Business integrity standard Communities policy Our approach to safety Our approach to communities and social performance Rio Tinto Communities standard Rio Tinto becomes founding member of Diamond Producers Association Alan Davies advocates inclusion and diversity at IFC Sustainability Exchange Driving diversity through technology and inclusion Joining the campaign for constitutional recognition Goals and targets Interactive charts Community complaints, disputes and grievance guidance To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Headquarters location: Australia/UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 110 Source: FT500 2015 This company has multiple years of reporting in the Reporting Database. This page refers to project team’s 2015 review. This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Why human rights matter: a resource guide for integrating human rights into Communities and Social Performance work at Rio Tinto Human Rights Policy The Way we Work Sustainable development 2014 Why gender matters: A resource guide for integrating gender considerations into Communities work at Rio Tinto Why cultural heritage matters: A resource guide for integrating cultural heritage management into Communities work at Rio Tinto Communities and regional development Human Rights Diversity and inclusion policy Procurement principles Business integrity standard Communities policy Safety policy Closure Communities and regional development Community complaints, disputes and grievance guidance Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference 2015 Annual report CASE STUDY: Managing human rights risks in our maritime supply chain Materiality Promoting best practice in security and human rights Raising human rights awareness at Simandou Building a sustainable supply chain in Mongolia To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Royal Bank of Canada 2016 × Royal Bank of Canada Headquarters location: Canada FT Global 500 Ranking: 94 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: RBC Code of Conduct RBC Supplier Code of Conduct About Working at RBC About Corporate Responsibility About Corporate Integrity at RBC About Corporate Responsibility Reporting at RBC 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 Diversity and Inclusion Report Equator Principles Reporting Corporate Responsibility 101 Management Proxy Circular 2014 RBC Employment Equity Report Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy RBC Diversity & Inclusion Blueprint 2020 Responsible Financing Our Privacy Principles Sharing Your Information Accountability RBC Aboriginal Partnership Report Accessible Customer Service at RBC Branches To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Royal Dutch Shell 2016 × Royal Dutch Shell Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 26 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human rights General Business Principles Shell Supplier Principles Sustainability Report 2015 Code of Conduct Governance California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Disclosure Working with communities Shell Global Helpline To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2015 × Headquarters location: UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 26 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human rights Code of Conduct Sustainability Report 2014 California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Disclosure Shell Supplier Principles Working with communities To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Safran 2018 × Safran Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: CGA Standards Charte Achat Responsable Safran Document de référence 2016 Égalité professionnelle hommes/femmes : Safran soutient la mixité au travail Engagements – Notre responsabilité La politique Achats de Safran Politique groupe santé, sécurité au travail et environnement Responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise 2017 Safran signe la Charte de la Diversité Safran signe son premier accord cadre monde sur la Responsabilité Sociale d’Entreprise avec IndustriALL Global Union To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Saint-Gobain 2018 × Saint-Gobain Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Charte Acheteurs Charte des Fournisseurs Charte EHS Environnement, Hygiène Industrielle-Santé, Sécurité Document de référence 2016 Gouvernance Les achats responsables Les raisons de notre engagement Principes de Comportement et d’Action du Groupe Saint-Gobain To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Sampoerna Agro 2017 × Sampoerna Agro Headquarters location: Indonesia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 14 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2015 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Samsung Electronics 2016 × Samsung Electronics Headquarters location: South Korea FT Global 500 Ranking: 19 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Sustainability Report 2015 Business Conduct Guidelines SEC Global Code of Conduct Samsung Electronics Supplier Code of Conduct Samsung Electronics Supplier Code of Conduct Guide Reporting wrongful practices Samsung Electronics Child Labor Prohibition Policy in China Mineral Sourcing To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2017 × Samsung Electronics Headquarters location: South Korea FT Global 500 Ranking: 19 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Business Conduct Guidelines 2016 Mineral Sourcing Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited Modern Slavery Act Statement 2016 Samsung Electronics Child Labor Prohibition Policy in China Samsung Electronics Supplier Code of Conduct Samsung is urgently looking into the recent child labor allegations and will adhere to its zero-tolerance policy Samsung Migrant Worker Guidelines Samsung Sustainability Report 2017 Samsung’s Continuous Efforts for Social Responsibility SEC Global Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct Guide Supplier Code of Conduct Sustainability Management Framework To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of December 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Sanofi 2017 × Sanofi Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in December 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Children’s Rights Code d’éthique Code de conduite des fournisseurs de Sanofi CSR indicators table and auditors report CSR Strategy and Governance Diversité et Inclusion Document de référence 2016 Health and Safety in the Workplace Health, Safety and Environmental Management System Human rights Human Rights in Our Activities Politique Santé Sécurité Environnement Protection of Personal Data Rapport intégré 2016 Sanofi suppliers code of conduct Sanofi’s Commitment and Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Santander 2016 × Santander Headquarters location: Spain FT Global 500 Ranking: 71 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Policy Sustainability report 2015 Annual Report 2015 Report of the Committees 2015 Analysis of social and environmental risk in credit operations General Sustainability Policy General Code of Conduct Socially responsible investment To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of October 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Schlumberger 2017 × Schlumberger Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 69 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Global Stewardship Report Audit Committee Backgrounder Business Ethics Policy Conflict Minerals Conflict Minerals SEC Filing Contact the Schlumberger Limited Board Global Road Safety Campaign Global Stewardship: Community Global Stewardship: Community: Employment and Human Capital Global Stewardship: Community: Health Global Stewardship: Community: Safety Global Stewardship: Community: Social and Economic Impact Global Stewardship: Community: Stakeholder Engagement Global Stewardship: Environmental Responsibility Global Stewardship: Social Responsibility HSE Management System HSE Policy Statement News & Resources Our Code of Conduct Sharing Best Practices The Blue Print in Action: Our Code of Conduct The Blue Print: Our Identity Working Conditions Requirements To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company met with us regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Schneider Electric 2018 × Schneider Electric Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Communiqué de presse – Schneider Electric présent dans l’incidence de performance égalité hommes-femmes 2018 publié par Bloomberg Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion Leaflet 2016 Gourvernance et éthique Human Rights Global Policy La chaîne logistique Les différents visages de Schneider Electric Nos principes de responsabilité Avril 2013 Politique de diversité et d’inclusion Rapport annuel financier et développement durable – Document de référence 2016 Responsabilité & Ethique Supplier Code of Conduct Transparence de la chaîne d’approvisionnement To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Shinhan Financial Group 2019 × Shinhan Financial Group Headquarters location: South Korea This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Report on Human Rights – Commitment Report on Human Rights – Assessment Report on Human Rights – Remedy Group’s Code of Ethics The Code of Conduct for Employees The Code of Conduct for Partner Companies Impact – Investments for the Future Impact – Social Partnerships Impact – Responsible Growth Framework – CEO Message Framework – 2020 CSR Roadmap Framework – CSR Management Track Record Framework – ESG Competencies Additional Information – Stakeholder Communication CSR Report 2017 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of March 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Siemens 2018 × Siemens Headquarters location: Germany FT Global 500 Ranking : 66 Source: FT500 2018 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct for Siemens Suppliers and Third Party Intermediaries External Sustainability Audits Human Rights Safety – Sustainability Siemens Annual Report 2017 Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines – September 2017 Siemens Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy Sustainability in the Supply Chain Sustainability Information 2017 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Sime Darby Bhd 2017 × Sime Darby Bhd Headquarters location: Malaysia FTSE Bursa Malaysia Asian Palm Oil Plantation Index (USD) Ranking: 1 Source: FTSE Bursa Malaysia (Feb. 2017) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 Case Studies Children’s Rights Code of Business Conduct Contributing to a Better Society Community & Indigenous Rights Ethical Business Practices FPIC in Liberia Gender Policy Group Safety & Health Policy Labour Standards Occupational Safety & Health Policy Our Sustainability Journey Performance Highlights Press Release: Response to Mongabay Article Press Release: Statement on TUK Factsheet Responsible Agriculture Charter Safety & Health Sime Darby Corporate Child Protection Policy Sime Darby, Developing Sustainable Futures Sime Darby Plantation Sustainability Report Sime Darby Property Sustainability Report Sime Darby Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Social Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Sinopec 2015 × Sinopec Headquarters location: China FT Global 500 Ranking: 55 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in May 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2015 Communication on Progress for Sustainable Development Report on Environment, Society, Governance in Shale Gas Development Health Safety & Environment Human Resources To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of March 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Société Générale 2018 × Société Générale Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code de Conduite du Groupe Déployer nos engagements Dialogue et transparence Document de Référence 2018 Droits Humains Modern Slavery Act 2015: Societe Generale’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Rapport Sur les Risques 2018 Responsabilité sociale et environnementale Stratégie et gouvernance RSE To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Tahoe Resources 2017 × Tahoe Resources Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Governance and Guidelines Human Rights Policy Q2 2017 Newsletter CSR Update Q3 2017 Newsletter CSR Update Tahoe Resources 2016 Sustainability Report Tahoe Resources Code of Conduct Tahoe Resources Management Team To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Target 2015 × Target Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 185 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Business Conduct Guide Corporate Governance Risk and Compliance Committee Charter Stronger Together: Target Signs on in Support of the Equality Act The Together Effect 2014 Target Corporate Sustainability Report Labor and human rights policies Social Compliance Audit Process Vendor Code of Conduct Social compliance operations Materiality Social compliance Stakeholder engagement Crafting a Better Tomorrow: Target Joins Forces with GoodWeave Diversity & Inclusion To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2017 × Target Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 185 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Target Corporate Social Responsibility Report Business Conduct Guide CA Transparency in Supply Chains Act Conflict Minerals Report 2016 Corporate Governance Crafting a Better Tomorrow: Target Joins Forces with GoodWeave Diversity & Inclusion Global Factory List As of September 5, 2017 Labor & human rights policies Responsible sourcing Risk and Compliance Committee Charter Social Compliance Social Compliance Audit Process Social Compliance Operations Stakeholder engagement Stronger Together: Target Signs on in Support of the Equality Act Target 2016 Workforce Diversity Target Proxy Statement Target’s Kelly Caruso Talks Going Big in Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Design Target’s sustainable sourcing policy for cotton products Target’s Teaming Up with Global Sourcing Experts to Help End Forced Labor This Team Traveled the Globe to Kick off Target’s New Sustainable Cotton Sourcing Goal Vendor Code of Conduct We’re Teaming Up with Inspectorio to Bring Tech and Transparency to Target’s Supply Chain To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Teck 2017 × Teck Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Materiality Process Code of Ethics Community Engagement Health, Safety, Environment and Community Management Standards Human Rights Human Rights Policy Inclusion and Diversity Policy Indigenous Peoples Policy Management Proxy Circular March 2017 Teck 2016 Sustainability Report Teck’s Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company requested to be added to the UNGP Reporting Database. 2018 × Teck Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Sustainability Report Annual Materiality Process Code of Ethics Health & Safety Policy Human Rights Policy Human Rights Inclusion and Diversity Policy Indigenous Peoples Policy Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Management Proxy Circular March 7, 2017 Teck’s Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors Water Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They did not confirm that they agreed with our review, nor did they propose any amendments or additions. Tencent 2016 × Tencent Headquarters location: Hong Kong FT Global 500 Ranking: 31 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Privacy Policy Terms of Service Whistleblowing To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. TJX Cos 2016 × TJX Cos Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 199 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: TJX Global Code of Conduct Corporate Governance Documents Corporate Responsibility Responses to Evolving Issues 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report Social Compliance Training Vendor Code of Conduct Corporate Responsibility – Continuous Improvement Corporate Responsibility – TJX’s Position Against Involuntary or Forced Labor, as well as Our Statement for California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657) Global Social Compliance Program Diversity and Inclusion – U.S. Inclusion Policies To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2015 × TJX Cos Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 199 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: HONESTY AND INTEGRITY ARE ALWAYS IN STYLE TJX GLOBAL CODE OF CONDUCT Corporate Governance Documents Corporate Responsibility Responses to Evolving Issues 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report Vendor Social Compliance Training Vendor Code of Conduct Global Vendor Social Compliance Program – Corrective Action and Remediation, Factory Monitoring Program, Continuous Improvement, Corrective Action and Remediation Corporate Responsibility – TJX’s Position Against Involuntary or Forced Labor, as well as Our Statement for California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657) Leverage Our Culture – A Diverse Workforce Diversity and Inclusion – Inclusion Policies To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Torex Gold Resources 2017 × Torex Gold Resources Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Corporate Responsibility Report 2016 Management’s Discussion And Analysis For The Year Ended December 31, 2016 Safety and Health Policy Social Harmony and Human Rights Policy Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Toronto-Dominion Bank 2016 × Headquarters location: Canada FT Global 500 Ranking: 107 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct and Ethics Supplier Code of Conduct 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 Annual Report 2015 GRI Index – Standard Disclosures Committees of the Board Corporate Responsibility Governance Structure Notice of annual meeting of common shareholders and management proxy circular Sustainable Investing Approach Our Diversity Mission Employment Equity Report TD Whistleblower Hotline Human Rights Details of TD’s Materiality Assessment Process TD Privacy Code Data Protection Corporate Governance Guidelines Prospective Suppliers Details on Environmental and Social Credit Risk Process and Prohibited Transactions Environmental and Social Credit Risk Process for Non-Retail Credit Business Lines Sustainable Investing Approach Building Diversity Into TD’s Cultural DNA Stakeholder Review Report 2014 Our commitment to accessibility Accessibility at TD Summary of TD Bank Group’s Responsible Procurement Policy Diversity Governance TD and Indigenous Communities in Canada Building Pride ESG Performance Data Office of the Ombudsman List of Stakeholder Groups and Engagement Topics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Total 2016 × Total Headquarters location: France FT Global 500 Ranking: 57 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct Human Rights Briefing Paper Human Rights Guide Sustainable Growth Report 2014 Registration Document 2015 Position and Commitments Respecting Human Rights in our Sphere of Operations The Basic Principles of Total’s Ethics Process Fundamental Principles of Purchasing Workplace Safety : Continuous Improvement Safety Health Environment Quality Charter Charter of principles and guidelines regarding indigenous and tribal peoples Supporting Development in Emerging Countries – Policy regarding indigenous peoples Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: Total SA – 2015 Annual Report Initiatives and Partnerships Assessments by External Organizations Social indicators To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company alerted us of the release of new disclosure, which we reviewed. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2015 × Total Headquarters location: France FT Global 500 Ranking: 57 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct Human Rights Internal Guide Sustainable Growth Report 2014 Registration Document 2014 Position and Commitments Respecting Human Rights in our Sphere of Operations The Basic Principles of Total’s Ethics Process Charter of principles and guidelines regarding indigenous and tribal peoples Supporting Development in Emerging Countries – Policy regarding indigenous peoples Fundamental Principles of Purchasing Initiatives and Partnerships Assessments by External Organizations Social indicators Safety Health Environment Quality Charter Workplace Safety: Continuous Improvement To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They confirmed they agreed with our review. TransCanada 2017 × TransCanada Headquarters location: Canada FT Global 500 Ranking: 380 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 Board Charter and Committees How We Are Governed Report 2014 Ethical Conduct Employee Health and Safety Aboriginal Relations Health, Safety and Environment Commitment Statement Stakeholder Engagement Commitment Statement To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Turquoise Hill 2017 × Turquoise Hill Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Health & Safety Policy Regarding Diversity on the Board of Directors and in Executive Officer Positions Statement of Corporate Governance The Way We Work To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of July 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Unilever 2015 × Unilever Headquarters location: Netherlands/UK FT Global 500 Ranking: 56 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Unilever’s Human Rights Policy Statement Code of Business Principles [Unilever updated its Code of Business Principles. See it here.] Human Rights Report 2015 Advancing human rights in our own operations Values & standards About our strategy Human rights are everybody’s business Implementing our approach Working with others Raise a concern EthicsPoint Home Page Responsible Sourcing Policy Fairness in the workplace Responsible Business Partner Policy Sustainable Agriculture Code 2015 Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing Policy [Unilever adopted a new Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing Policy in 2016. See it here.] Understanding the Responsible Sourcing Audit (URSA) – Guide for Suppliers Responding to stakeholder concerns on human rights To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They confirmed they agreed with our review. United Plantations 2017 × United Plantations Headquarters location: Malaysia Reuters Top 15 Listed Palm Oil Planters Ranking: 11 Source: Reuters Top 15 (June 2009) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in April 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Annual Report 2016 Environment and Biodiversity Policy New Planting Procedures Occupational Safety and Health Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. US Bancorp 2016 × US Bancorp Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 108 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2013 Corporate Citizenship Report 2015 Annual Report 2016 Environmental Responsibility Policy Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Community Reinvestment and Public Policy Committee Charter Ethics at U.S. Bank Online Privacy and Security Supplier Diversity S. Bank Consumer Privacy Pledge S. Bancorp Workforce Demographics To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Vale 2017 × Vale Headquarters location: Brazil FT Global 500 Ranking: 429 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Sustainability Report Code of Ethics and Conduct Form 20-F Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the Fiscal Year Ended: December 31, 2016 Human Rights Guide Human Rights Policy Ouvidoria Results of the independent investigation into the accident at Samarco’s Fundão dam Samarco Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton signed an agreement with the Union and the governments of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo Supplier Performance Index Suppliers Code of Ethics and Conduct Sustainable Development Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Verizon Communications 2016 × Verizon Communications Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 22 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2014 Corporate Responsibility Supplement Human Rights at Verizon Supplier Code of Conduct Your Code of Conduct Verizon’s Transparency Report for the First Half of 2015 – United States Report Verizon’s Transparency Report for the First Half of 2015 – International Report Privacy Policy Privacy Officer Message TRUSTe Certification Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy Delivering Results To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of May 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. VINCI 2017 × VINCI Headquarters location: France FT Global 500 Ranking: 329 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in October 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2016 Annual Report Code of Ethics and Conduct Equality and diversity Health and safety Human rights Press release: VINCI entirely refutes Sherpa’s allegations and decides to file a lawsuit for defamation Sustainable relations with stakeholders VINCI’s Guide on Human Rights To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of October 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Visa 2016 × Visa Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 48 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Visa Inc. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report Visa Inc. Audit and Risk Committee Charter Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers Privacy policy Privacy policy – Opt out Proxy Statement To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of September 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Vivendi 2018 × Vivendi Headquarters location: France CAC 40 component (September 2018) Source: CAC 40 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Charte sur la protection des données et des contenus Handicap L’actionnariat salarié L’Instance de Dialogue Social Européen Le Comité du groupe Le dialogue social Mixité et égalité professionnelle Nos huit enjeux RSE prioritaires Programme de vigilance 2012 Rapport annuel 2017 Rémunération variable des dirigeants To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of May 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Wal-Mart Stores 2015 × Wal-Mart Stores Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 12 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Audit Collaboration Audit Requirements Call for respect for worker rights and decent work at Walmart Collaboration Cotton Sustainability Insights Education and Training Ethics & Integrity Global Compliance Report on Fiscal Year 2014 Global Statement of Ethics Managing Risk in Our Supply Chain Our Commitment to the Workers of Bangladesh Promoting Supply Chain Responsibility Responsible Sourcing Audit Program Scope Sourcing Standards and Resources Standards for Suppliers Standards for Suppliers Manual Supplier Accountability and Supplier Consequences Walmart 2015 Global Responsibility Report Walmart Highlights Progress in 2015 Global Responsibility Report Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative Goals To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2016 × Wal-Mart Stores Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 12 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Global Statement of Ethics Standards for Suppliers Standards for Suppliers Manual 2016 Global Responsibility Report Promoting Supply Chain Responsibility Sourcing Standards & Resources – Standards for Suppliers Sourcing Standards & Resources – California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Sourcing Standards & Resources – Audit Process Supplier Accountability and Supplier Consequences Walmart 2016 Notice of Annual Shareholder’s Meeting and Proxy Statement Global Compliance Program Report on Fiscal Year 2016 Global Compliance Program Report on Fiscal Year 2015 Collaboration Sustainability Ethics & Integrity Clothing Sustainability Leaders Education and Training Our Commitment to the Workers of Bangladesh Factory Assessments To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. 2017 × Wal-Mart Stores Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 12 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed : Global Statement of Ethics Standards for Suppliers 2017 Global Responsibility Report Collaboration Ethics & Integrity Education and Training How We Operate Around the World California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Responsible Sourcing – Standards for Suppliers Walmart Offers New Vision for the Company’s Role in Society 2016 Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Report Asda Stores Ltd Modern Slavery Statement – May 2017 2017 Proxy Statement Our Commitment to the Workers of Bangladesh Responsible Sourcing – About Responsible Sourcing – Audits and Monitoring Responsible Sourcing – Promoting Responsibility Responsible Sourcing – Standards for Suppliers Promoting Supply Chain Responsibility Reflecting on What We’ve Built: Walmart’s Global Ethics & Compliance Program Responsible Sourcing Academy Clothing Sustainability Leaders Walmart Policies and Guidelines – Non-discrimination – Healthcare Services Walmart Policies and Guidelines – Seafood Policy Walmart Policies and Guidelines – Conflict Minerals Policy Walmart Policies and Guidelines – Palm Oil Policy Global Responsibility Report – Promoting Good Governance Managing Risk in Our Supply Chain Facility Posters To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of November 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Walmex 2015 × Walmex Headquarters location: Mexico FT Global 500 Ranking: 228 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in February 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Global Statement of Ethics 2014 Financial and Corporate Responsibility Report Corporate Responsibility To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Wells Fargo 2016 × Wells Fargo Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 7 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in September 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Statement Our Code of Ethics & Business Conduct Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 Environmental and Social Risk Management 2015 Statement and Report Corporate Responsibility Commitee Charter Corporate Governance Guidelines 2016 Proxy Statement Wells Capital Management Becomes a UNPRI Signatory Supplier Code of Conduct Shaping our CSR priorities The Vision & Values of Wells Fargo Diversity and Inclusion Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Fair and Responsible Home Lending Privacy Policies and Notices To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of June 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Wesfarmers 2015 × Wesfarmers Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 286 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Code of Conduct People – Diversity, Indigenous representation in our workforce, Gender diversity People – Safety, Safety performance, Safety initiatives Coles 2015 Corporate Governance Statement Sustainability Overview Audit and Risk Committee Charter Gender Diversity Policy Kmart Sourcing – Ethical sourcing, Ethical sourcing training, Proactively addressing ethical sourcing issues, Ethical sourcing audit programs, Increasing supply chain transparency, Living wage, Australian suppliers Our 10 community and environmental impact principles Materiality process Working Toward Reconciliation Reconciliation Action Plan Target Stakeholder Engagement Reconciliation Action Plan – 2014 Reconciliation Action Plan Report – Opportunities Kmart builds long term partnerships with its suppliers Impactt’s Benefits for Business and Workers Program Curragh takes the lead on preventing fatigue-related traffic accidents Target injuryCARE 1300 early intervention program CSBP Fertilisers help sales reps stay safe Safety at Coregas Port Kembla plant – no lost time injuries in 10 years Our data Bunnings Officeworks Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers Resources Industrial and Safety Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of February 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Westpac Banking 2016 × Westpac Banking Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 82 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in August 2016. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Human Rights Position Statement and 2017 Action Plan Westpac’s Sustainable Supply Chain Management Code of Conduct Code of Conduct 2015 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2015 Westpac Group Corporate Governance Statement 2015 Westpac Group Annual Report 2015 Westpac Group Annual Review & Sustainability Report 2015 Westpac Group Sustainability Performance Report Sustainable Supply Chain Management Framework AML/CTF – Westpac Group policy Climate Change and Environment Position Statement and 2017 Action Plan Westpac Group’s Principles for Doing Business Westpac Group Reconciliation Action Plan 2015–2017 Our commitments and partnerships Forums for accountability Board Risk & Compliance Committee Charter Westpac Group Diversity Policy Whistleblower Protection Policy Inclusion creates bright ideas Corporate governance – Accessibility Action Plan Accessibility Action Plan, 2013 Health and Safety Policy Injury Management and Rehabilitation Policy Wellbeing Policy Westpac’s Approach to Sustainable Finance Responsible Investment Position Statement Financing Tobacco Position Statement Financing the Defence Sector Position Statement Financing Agribusiness Position Statement Project Finance and the Equator Principles – Reporting on performance FY2015 Sustainability Risk Management Framework Social impact framework and assessment Completing Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Assessment Westpac Privacy Policy Privacy reforms Credit Reporting Policy Sanctions Policy Westpac Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Policy Westpac introduces supplier diversity policy to drive positive social change Stakeholder Engagement Embracing societal change Indigenous Australians Land grabbing Support from top down Timeline of sustainability milestones New financial inclusion action plan program Anti-family violence Gender equality Making a switch for gender ‘Equilibrium’ Unique individuals LGBTI 2016 Interim Sustainability Update – Embracing Demographic Change Inclusion across all cultures Inclusion across the generations People with disability and accessibility 400 Indigenous student interns over 10 years Champions of inclusion Accessible products and services Complaint resolution To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of August 2016 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. The company proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. 2018 × Westpac Banking Headquarters location: Australia FT Global 500 Ranking: 82 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in June 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: 2017 Annual Report 2017 Corporate Governance Statement 2017 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2017 Sustainability Performance Report Accessibility Action Plan 2017-2020 Anti-family violence BTFG Responsible Investment Position Statement Climate Change and Environment Position Statement and 2017 Action Plan Climate Change Position Statement and 2020 Action Plan Code of Conduct Diversity Policy Financial Inclusion Action Plan 2016-2017 Financing the Defence Sector Financing Tobacco Flexible ways of working Gender equality Health and Safety Policy Helping to advance human rights through our 2017 UK Modern Slavery Statement Human Rights Position Statement and 2020 Action Plan Human rights Land grabbing Our commitments and partnerships Our Position: Financing Agribusiness People with disability and accessibility Positive impact finance Principles for Doing Business Principles for Responsible Lending Privacy Policy Project Finance and the Equator Principles – Reporting on performance FY2016 Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2020 Responsible Sourcing Responsible Sourcing Code of Conduct Social impact framework and assessment Stakeholder Engagement Summary Whistleblower Protection Policy Support from top down Sustainable Supply Chain Management Framework Unique individuals LGBTI Westpac extends support to employees experiencing domestic and family violence Westpac Privacy Policy Westpac response to banking on shaky ground Westpac Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Policy Westpac’s Approach to Sustainable Finance Westpac’s Sustainable Supply Chain Management Code of Conduct To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of June 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative They confirmed they agreed with our review. Wheaton Precious Metals 2018 × Wheaton Precious Metals Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in November 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Board Manual, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Corporate Governance Environment & Sustainability Environmental and Sustainability Policy Partners – ESG Due Diligence Process People Responsibility – Partners Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee Terms of Reference for the Board of Directors Terms of Reference for the Chief Executive Officer Third-Party Mine Operators Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. 2017/2018 Guidebook Whistleblower Policy To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of November 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Williams Cos. 2017 × Williams Cos. Headquarters location: US FT Global 500 Ranking: 284 Source: FT500 2015 This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Asset Integrity Audit Committee Charter Diversity & Employee Relations Diversity & Inclusion and Employee Relations Emergency Preparedness Environmental, Health and Safety Equal Employment Opportunity Our Commitment to Safety Our Company Safety Terms and Conditions of Purchase Order The Williams Onshore Contractor Safety Handbook Williams Board Committees & Charters Williams Code of Business Conduct Williams Corporate Governance Documents Williams Reporting Potential Violations To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Wilmar International Limited 2017 × Wilmar International Limited Headquarters location: Singapore FTSE Bursa Malaysia Asian Palm Oil Plantation Index (USD) Ranking: 2 Source: FTSE Bursa Malaysia (Feb. 2017) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in March 2017. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Child Labour Policy Equal Opportunity Policy Equal Opportunity Policy, Sexual Harassment, Violence and Abuse, Reproductive Rights Policy Human Rights Policy No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation Policy Occupational Health & Safety Policy Social Policy Sustainability Report 2015 Wilmar Group Policy: Whistleblowing Policy Wilmar: Other Policies To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company did not respond to our email of January 2017 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. Yamana Gold 2017 × Yamana Gold Headquarters location: Canada Index used: Toronto Stock Exchange (Mining) This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2018. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Charter of the Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors Code of Conduct Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics & Governance GRI Index Human Rights Policy Material Issues Report 2016 Responsibility: Communities Homepage Responsibility: Employees Homepage Responsibility: Environment Homepage Responsibility: Health & Safety Homepage Yamana Gold’s Conflict-Free Gold Report 2016 Yamana Integrity Helpline: Commonly Asked Questions To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2018 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. This company spoke with us by phone regarding the initiative. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology. Zain Group 2019 × Zain Group Headquarters location: Saudi Arabia This company’s disclosure was last reviewed by the UNGP Reporting Database team in January 2019. We expect to update companies’ data in the Reporting Database on an annual basis. Companies that have recently released significant new disclosure related to human rights (e.g., a new annual report) are welcome to alert the project team by writing to us at info[at] Sources reviewed: Zain Code of Conduct Zain Group Supplier Code of Conduct Zain Risk Management Policy Statement Zain Sustainability Report 2017 To report a dead link, please contact us. Thank you! Consultations with Companies We consult with all companies that appear in the Reporting Database prior to publication of their disclosure in this database. These companies are given four weeks to review our findings and we welcome conversations with companies to clarify if we have missed any important disclosure. These conversations are also an opportunity to talk about what meaningful reporting on human rights looks like as expected by the UN Guiding Principles. This company confirmed receipt of our email of January 2019 inviting them to review and discuss with us our review of their disclosure for this database. They proposed a number of amendments or additions to our review, which we took into account to the extent they reflect our methodology.