Unilever Releases Human Rights Report Using UNGP Reporting Framework June 30, 2015 — Today Unilever published its first human rights report using the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework. Unilever is the first company to use the UNGP Reporting Framework comprehensively, following the company’s commitment to being the first adopter of the Reporting Framework in 2014. By using the UNGP Reporting Framework, Unilever identifies its salient human rights issues — those human rights at greatest risk of severe negative impact — and explains where Unilever has taken steps to manage those issues and some of the challenges ahead. Unilever is the first adopter of the UNGP Reporting Framework and is joined by other early adopter companies including ABN AMRO, Ericsson, H&M, Nestlé and Newmont. Ericsson issued its 2014 sustainability report using part of the UNGP Reporting Framework earlier this year and the other early adopter companies will be using the Reporting Framework for their 2015 reporting. Learn more Unilever report | About the UNGP Reporting Framework Subscribe to the UNGP Reporting Framework newsletter | Follow us on Twitter